Alan Prince Award Recipients

This prestigious award, named after the first editor of The APPEA Journal* is given to the authors of the best peer-reviewed paper published in the Australian Energy Producers Journal annually. It is judged by the peers who review the various papers along with the Technical Program Committee. This award has been given to some of the key technical publications in the history of oil and gas exploration and development in Australia and represents the pinnacle of technical excellence in our industry.

*The APPEA Journal is now known as The Australian Energy Producers Journal, from volume 64, 2024.

The recipients of the Alan Prince Award are:

Securing the Australian CCS project rollout by improving aspects of the GHG storage legislation: a discussion paper
Authored by Geoffrey O’Brien, Simone de Morton and David Bason (CO2CRC)

Australian Salt Basins – Options for Underground Hydrogen Storage
Authored by Marita Bradshaw, Stephanie Rees, Liuqi Wang, Mike Szczepaniak, Wayne Cook, Sam Voegeli, Christopher Boreham, Carmine Wainman, Sebastian Wong, Chris Southby, Andrew Feitz (Geoscience Australia)

Gold (hydrogen) rush: risks and uncertainties in exploring for naturally occurring hydrogen
Authored by Linda Stalker, Asrar Talukder, Julian Strand, Matthew Josh, Mohinudeen Faiz (CSIRO)

Hydrogen in Australian natural gas: occurrences, sources and resources
Authored by Christopher J. Boreham, Dianne S. Edwards (Geoscience Australia); Krystian Czado (Geological Survey of NSW); Nadege Rollet, Liuqi Wang, Simon van der Wielen, David Champion, Richard Blewett, Andrew Feitz, Paul A. Henson (Geoscience Australia)

Mercury partitioning in oil and gas production systems – design optimisation and risk mitigation through advanced simulation
Authored by Peter Crafts (Genesis); Mark Williams (Genesis)

Demonstrating an acceptable level of impact: an assessment of noise impacts to fishes from a seismic survey in an Australian Marine Park
Authored by Joe Edgell, Jeremy Colman (ERM Australia Pty Ltd); Samantha Jarvis (S2 Services Pty Ltd); Ollie Glade-Wright (Cooper Energy)

Pluto 4D — Australia’s first 4D over a gas field is an outstanding success
Authored by Larry Tilbury, Andre Gerhardt (Woodside Energy)

Energy security, moratoriums and domestic gas: Australia, LNG and its gas policy catch-22
Authored by Christopher Flynn, Emily Tsokos (Gilbert + Tobin)

Evaluating potential coal seam gas impacts to the Condamine Alluvium: an example of successful community involvement
Authored by Simon Gossmann, Stephen Denner, St.John Herbert (Arrow Energy Pty Ltd); Sanjeev Pandey, Klohn Crippen Berger; Randall Cox, Mark Gallagher and Josh Moncrieff (Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment, Queensland Government)

Time-lapse seismic monitoring methodologies applied to the Pyrenees Field, offshore Western Australia
Authored by Ramses Meza, Guy Duncan, Konstantinos Kostas, Stanislav Kuzmin, Mauricio Florez, Tom Perrett and James Stewart, (BHP Billiton Petroleum)

Using palaeogeographic reconstructions to understand lithological variability within the Early Cretaceous Gage Sandstone and South Perth Shale in the Vlaming Sub- Basin, offshore southern Perth Basin
Authored by Megan Lech, Chris Southby, David Lescinsky, Liuqi Wang, Diane Jorgensen, Irina Borissova and Stephen Johnston (Geoscience Australia)

Discovery to development: a subsurface case history of the Kitan Oil Field, Timor Sea, Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA), Timor-Leste and Australia
Authored by Dave Wheller, Grant Ellis, Yohan Suhardiman, Ryosuke Yokote (Eni Australia), Doani Selvaggi (Eni Indonesia), Joseph Derrij and Giuseppe Maniscalco (Eni Australia)

The Nappamerri Trough, Cooper Basin unconventional plays: proving a hypothesis
Authored by Carrie Trembath, Lindsay Elliott and Mark Pitkin (Beach Energy)