Why Exhibit?

Our proud, long standing, proven results*

  • 2,877+ Registered Attendees
  • 135+ Exhibiting Companies
  • 555+ Companies Represented
  • 30+ Plenary Speakers
  • 132+ Technical & Business Speakers
  • 50+ hours of program content
  • 95% of delegates said they made new business contacts
  • 90% of delegates rated the quality of the exhibitors as ‘Good’ or ‘Excellent’
  • 49 Registered Media from Australia and around the globe
  • 1.2M+impressions on Facebook and LinkedIn

Unrivalled networking and relationship-building

This flagship event for the Australian energy industry is proven to deliver unmatched opportunities to connect with:

  • leading executives across the energy sector
  • local and international technology specialists
  • federal and state government ministers
  • industry regulators
  • government agency representatives
  • project and operations managers
  • researchers, academics and technology developers
  • contractors, consultants and other service providers
  • industry policy directors
  • peers, customers and prospects

Representatives from across the full supply chain will be attending, including:

  • exploration and production
  •  service and supply
  • pipeline and transportation
  • low-emission technologies
  • engineering and construction
  • refining and upgrading
  • regulation and management
  • finance, investment and legal
  • environmental, social and governance
  • recruitment and talent management
  • risk management and business modelling


Exhibit at the Australian Energy Producers Conference & Exhibition to

  • Meet your target market and organise pre-arranged sales meetings.
  • Showcase your new technologies and innovations.
  • Expand your business through national and international delegate connections.
  • Speak directly to decision-makers from major companies.
  • Create impact with customisable space to showcase your products and services in a memorable way.
  • Extend your brand reach and credibility within the industry.
  • Participate in cutting-edge conversations that will impact the future of the energy sector.


*based on the 2024 Conference & delegate survey.