Prof Andrew Garnett

Professor Emeritus, UQ Gas and Energy Transition Research Centre
Chair, Australian Gas Industry Trust

From 2012-2023, Prof. Garnett led the University of Queensland’s Centre for Natural Gas and CCUS research programs. He worked closely with all the main CSG-LNG project proponents in the eastern states of Australia. In that role, he was a regular advisor and contributor to numerous government consultations and inquires about the gas sector, CCUS, the broader energy transition and the role of gas. From 2016 to 2020, Prof. Garnett was appointed a non-executive director of National Energy Resources Australia (NERA), a Federal Government ‘industry growth centre’. NERA worked across the energy resources sectors, partnering with government, research, science and industry. Prof. Garnett has been a reviewer on natural gas for the IEA’s World Energy Outlook series and has also contributed on CCUS via their Energy Technology Perspectives. Before entering academia, he was with Shell and Schlumberger in technical and management positions. He has over 25 years’ world-wide experience with oil majors in conventional and unconventional projects, where he consulted widely on unconventional developments, most notably those with high GHG emission footprints. He was also CEO and Project Director of ZeroGen, a large IGCC with CCS feasibility study and storage exploration venture in Queensland. Prof. Garnett is the current Chair of the Australian Gas Industry Trust (AGIT), a not-for profit trust aimed at education and research around the gas sector and he is also an Executive Committee Member on the International Gas Union.


Presentation details

4. Australian Energy Producers Panel Series: Leading from the front | Reducing methane emissions from oil and gas production in Australia
Tuesday 21 May 2024
2:00pm – 3:15pm