Company Details
Department of Home Affairs
188 Collins Street
Level 14, Main Tower
Hobart, Tasmania
Company Profile
The Global Talent Visa Program (GTVP) launched on 4 November 2019 is a whole-of-Government initiative developed to proactively identify, attract and recruit highly talented individuals to Australia. The Program offers a direct pathway to permanent residence for highly skilled innovators, entrepreneurs, professionals and academics working in one of the program’s ten target sectors: Resources, Agrifood and AgTech, Energy, Health Industries, Defence, Advance Manufacturing and Space, Circular Economy, Digitech, Infrastructure and Tourism, Financial Services and FinTech, and Education.
The Department of Home Affairs has dedicated Global Talent Officers (GTOs) and Business, Industry and Regional Outreach Officers (BIROs) who host a range of outreach functions.
GTOs work closely with the Global Business and Talent Attraction Taskforce to generate leads of the brightest and best minds and high-value businesses for relocation to Australia. They work in partnership with business and industry sectors, universities, employers and Commonwealth and State/Territory government partners to proactively identify and attract top talent for streamlined permanent residence through the GTVP.
BIROs located across Australia work closely with business, industry and regional communities to provide information and promote the Department’s Skilled Visa Program, including the GTVP. BIROs provide pathway options and information to Australian businesses to enable their effective use of the skilled migration program to recruit skilled migrants, where Australian workers may not be available.
For more information on the Global Business and Talent Attraction Taskforce, visit
Meeting Request