Paper Types

The Australian Energy Producers Conference has a ‘no paper, no presentation’ policy, therefore all accepted Technical & Business Program presentations must provide a paper to be published in The Australian Energy Producers Journal.

Peer‑reviewed Papers

  • An academic paper
  • Up to 5,000 words (main body)
  • Maximum 15 figures/tables
  • Maximum 8,000 total word count* (main body, abstract, figure/table captions, references, author statements, author biography).
  • Anonymised peer review by two reviewers
  • To be published in the Australian Energy Producers Journal
  • Submission due on 13 December 2024

Extended Abstracts

  • Non-academic paper
  • Up to 1,500 words
  • Up to 3 figures/tables
  • Maximum 2,300 total word count* (main body, abstract, figure/table captions, references, author statements, author biography).
  • Technical Program Committee to review
  • To be published in Supplement 1 of the Australian Energy Producers Journal
  • Submission due on 31 January 2025

*word count will be strictly implemented.

Please review to the Style Guide: Peer-reviewed Papers and Extended Abstracts.